This time there are two. Both use tomcat as that is what my group has asked me to investigate, however one is standard HTML where as the other uses WebSockets. Both are hosted on my home server so don’t expect speed 🙂 The username/password combo is again admin/admin.
Without WebSockets: (Offline)
With WebSockets: (Offline)
Also the sources for both:
Overall though I still think I prefer the java applet for this assignment. It took 4 hours to implement the applet including research, and then about another 3-4 to do the plain HTML, and then another 1 to figure out sockets with Tomcat. However I believe the only reason the applet took so long was because I made the code neat and did planning beforehand, but with the HTML bases examples I didn’t know what I was doing so just jumped straight in, and it actually went fairly well.