Chocolate Koala Image Viewer

This is an image viewer that I’ve been casually working on in Java, it’s not done, but it has all the features I had initially planned implemented.

The image viewer works on a database system where a user can scan in a folder of images and then apply tags to these images. Then they can search for these tags to find relevant images.

Other features:

  • Slideshow
  • Fullscreen
  • Removing duplicate images
  • Find missing files
  • Removing dead files
  • Selectable databases
  • Exporting images
  • Deleting images
  • Setting slideshow time

Download Links

Command line usage
Launching with the parameter -db and then specifying a database file will make it use that file. (eg java -jar chocolatekoala.jar -db data.ckd)
Launching with no parameters and just a file name will cause it to scan all the images in the directory the image is in and then display that image. (java -jar chocolatekoala.jar image.jpg)
Launching it without anything causes it to create a database file in the directory it was started in.

CS124 assignment update

I’ve had a meeting with someone from the group and at least got an email back from one other.

Anyway, code wise what’s new is that I’ve rewritten a lot of the class selection and dragging system, it’s now much neater.

Also I’ve added some colours to it and replaced those horrible rectangles with rounded rectangles. I’ve also added the name of the class inside it which if too long get shortened to fit in the box under the variable sensibleName xD Why anyone would want to have a 20 char class name is mad anyway.


Group project

So the group project was going well until sadly, Jon had to leave university due to health issues. However as far as I know he’ll be coming back eventually. So as a result I’ve been put in a group with 3 other people. Who, with 2 weeks until the deadline, have not even met once. 2 of them haven’t even bothered responding to emails from the one member who does seem to want to work.

Group project and SVN

There’s only 2 people in my group project (including myself) but I can tell you SVN is a life saver it took us no more than 20 minutes before we realised it was going to be a complete bitch for us both to work at the same time. And Information Services kindly put Jon on the same VLAN as me so we could all access my SVN server.

Damian in IS is a bit of a legend, he even moved some VLANs round so I could play Minecraft on the campus network 😀